Saturday, October 4, 2008


The beginning of school is always the most confusing and most difficult for anyone including the activities director (new and experienced). Since the school year has begun I have been given a US History class to teach that I had no idea about in June, I have lost advisors, funding, and students. The students have either dropped out of ASB due to stress from school and not knowing what they got themself into or family problems (lost their homes, suddenly moved from district, passing of parents/grandparents, and much much more.

How do we survive any of this. Statistics show that Activities Directors last only 3 years maximum. This is my 15 th year on my own and 19th year overall ... why do i stay in student activities? I'll give you three.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Opening of School

It's one thing to go back to school, on the first day students and teachers alike are hopeful, concerned, excited and aprehensive. It's another to go back when you are underconstruction and that construction is making it hard to get around and have activities ... what do you do? Me either but we are going to find out.

In the photo you'll see a fence and this surrounds the perimeter of the inner campus. Hallways are the only access and there are dead ends everywhere.

peace, paul

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Trial of Photography

I have always tried to take photos of speakers and action indoors with no real success so i said it's me or the camera. Of course, I'm never wrong so it must be the camera. I went out and got one of those lenses that people always talk about ... at this typing i can remember the name, i just know people talk about it ... and i took this photo in an auditorium with little lighting and NO flash.
I knew it was the camera.
Thanks Keith for making it easy to shoot indoors, you make a good target.


One thing I do realize and i hope that the readers of this blog do too is that my words and thoughts are my own and are not necessarily those of any organization i belong to. This is the legal disclaimer so you cannot go after them for the ramblings of an old activities director.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


All things must begin somewhere and here it is. I have been interested in sharing news and information electronically but have never had the moment to say "start" let alone do it. Following a reading of "Get Internet Famous!" in Wired Aug. 2008, I realized the time is now and it is up to me to make it happen. So here I am and I have no idea where to go from here, but anything and everything has to start ...

CADA Leadership Camp

CADA Leadership Camp
Loara representing